Le Club des Bis
Join the group
Bienvenuedans le Club des Bis.
C'est un groupe où il n'y a que des comptes bis des membres en général victimes de bug.
Bis n°1.
Mon 30
fandetennisbis left the group
Wed 11
Alex0606 left the group
Thu 8
tony2303 joined the group
Mon 5
Alex0606 joined the group
Tue 23
theobisdu34110 left the group
Tue 23
theobisdu34110 joined the group
Fri 12
winnieh2 joined the group
Fri 12
winnieh2 left the group
Fri 12
iNexusBis joined the group
Thu 11
Perfectbis joined the group
Thu 11
fandetennisbis joined the group
Thu 11
fandetennisbis left the group
Thu 11
fandetennisbis joined the group
Thu 11
winnieh2 joined the group
Thu 11
Hugobis joined the group
Thu 11
NamelesssBisss has created the group
They are in the group